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Marchionne is the trusted choice for insurance in Quincy MA, South Shore MA and Greater Boston, offering personal, auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance and more.

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Marchionne Insurance is an independent insurance agency that was founded in 1949 by Albert J. Marchionne Sr. As a family owned and operated business, our clients receive the personalized service and protection we would provide our families. Our experienced team of insurance professionals offers new customers free consultations on the best insurance options available to you. We work with only the top insurance carriers available in Massachusetts to provide our clients in Quincy, the South Shore and throughout Greater Boston with the best coverage to meet both their needs and budget. We are confident once you experience the level of service we provide each client, you will not only be satisfied with your insurance quote, but also the level of professionalism and knowledge our team offers you.

Our Most Popular Personal Insurance Solutions

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A photo of a happy girl washing a car

Auto Insurance

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A photo of a father tossing and catching his son in front of their home

Home Insurance

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A photo of a large apartment building where residents would benefit from renters insurance

Renters Insurance

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A photo of a condo unit in Massachusetts

Condo Insurance

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Our Business Insurance Specialties

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A photo of a condo managed by an association in Massachusetts

Condo Associations

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A photo of a restaurant interior in Massachusetts


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A photo of a pest control company in Massachusetts

Pest Management

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A photo of an auto repair shop in Massachusetts

Auto Shops

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At Marchionne Insurance, there are several reasons why we believe that our team has a much deeper understanding of your personal and business insurance needs than most other companies. For one, our local, independent insurance agency has been insuring individuals, families, and business owners in Quincy, MA, the South Shore, and Greater Boston area since 1949. In addition, as a family-owned and operated business, we care greatly about this community because our family grew up in the area, and we continue to live and work here.
What sets us apart the most is that we take a uniquely personal, consultative approach to finding you the insurance protection that is best for your car, home, business, family, and more. As a result of our detailed one-on-one consultations with clients like you, we are able to gather key learnings about you personally, the state of your business, and your future goals, which helps us to design personalized insurance recommendations that meet your needs, your budget, and, most important, your expectations of what insurance protection and service should be.

Meet Our Team

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You have made this a very easy and pleasant experience, which I really appreciate. If anyone I know is ever looking for Home or Auto Insurance in the area, I would definitely send them your way. Thanks for everything!

Erin C. | Quincy, MA

This note is long overdue, but if you knew the number of times I have remarked on how great your firm is, then I would not be sending this message. Truly, your crew is a pleasure to work with, and even beyond the annual renewals, they always respond immediately and pleasantly to any and all requests. It makes a huge difference. Thank you!

John | Boston, MA

AJ Marchionne Insurance Agency has been extremely helpful to my business and it's sustainability in our infancy. I recommend AJ Marchionne Insurance Agency for any of your small business and personal insurance needs.

Home Sweet Home Builders, LLC | Arlington, MA

I have never encountered such superior service…Marchionne Insurance is one of the most impressive companies I have ever had pleasure of working with.

Mal | Norwood, MA

Your company is so responsive that you were able to complete an application, bind coverage, and produce a comprehensive binder in less than 24 hours. Great job and I appreciate your diligence!

Ryan, Mortgage Corp East | Rockland, MA

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Quick Links to Client Resources

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File a Claim[/vc_feature_box][vc_feature_box icon=”75|ss-air” title=”Make a Payment” css_animation=”appearFromCenter” css_animation_delay=”200″ css_animation_type=”iconbox”]We are happy to offer our clients all the resources they need to pay their bill using our convenient online payment center.

Make a Payment[/vc_feature_box][vc_feature_box icon=”169|ss-air” title=”Request a Certificate” css_animation_type=”iconbox” css_animation=”appearFromCenter” css_animation_delay=”400″]Business owners can request a certificate of insurance from your laptop, mobile phone or tablet when you’re on the go.

Certificate Request[/vc_feature_box][/vc_feature_boxes][/vc_section_container][/vc_section]

Affordable Insurance That Will Meet Your Needs

Contact us today for a free quote and one of our experienced representatives will get in touch shortly.